Welcome to our video collection that will highlight the connection between ethanol production and agriculture. These videos will take you on a journey of our agricultural communities, showcasing how ethanol production not only fuels our vehicles but also drives economic growth, supports local farmers, and contributes to a more sustainable future. Whether you're curious about the process of turning crops into clean energy or the impact of ethanol on our economy and environment, these videos are designed to inform, inspire, and provide a deeper understanding of this essential industry.
North Dakota - Corn to Ethanol
Fueling Progress
Sponsored by ND Corn Council, ND Ethanol Council and IFF​
North Dakota Corn - More Than Food
Fueling Progress
Sponsored by ND Corn Council, ND Ethanol Council and IFF​
A Look at North Dakota Corn & Ethanol
Fueling Progress
Sponsored by ND Corn Council, ND Ethanol Council and IFF​
AgWeekTV: Dairy Impact on North Dakota Community
AgWeekTV: Ethanol Advantage
AgWeekTV: A Leader in Ethanol
Ethanol Blending Value
Understand how ethanol is being misrepresented for its true value.
Small Engine Issues and Ethanol's Role
What causes issues in small engines - ethanol or gasoline components?
Aromatic Components of Gasoline
How toxic or dangerous are these things compared to ethanol?
AgWeekTV: Dakota Spirit Ethanol Plant Tour
Take a look in one of North Dakota's ethanol plants
AgWeekTV: Ethanol Promotion
Agriculture is for Everyone
An in-depth look at ND agriculture and how it all works together.
Agriculture is for Everyone
Agriculture touches all of our lives, every day, from the food we eat to the feed, fiber, and fuel we use.
Agriculture is for Everyone- Series 2
North Dakota farmers and ranchers are part of the community, not to mention the global economy.
Agriculture is for Everyone- Series 2
North Dakota agriculture feeds the world.
Agriculture is for Everyone - Series 3
Hard work, dedication and painstaking care- North Dakota farmers and ranchers deliver.